Sunday, May 17, 2009


So we delivered our scripts for Interactive Storytelling as well as our gold masters for Production II a couple weeks ago.

I received a digital copy of my script back from my professor for Interactive Storytelling. Except for one section where I seemed to misunderstand what was desired of me, but I still did well enough in the section so it didn't matter that much, I did really well. I received nearly full marks in every section missing a point or two here or there because of a grammar or spelling mistake I missed when proof reading it. Over all my professor was very impressed with the final version and is encouraging me to polish it some more so that I might use it as a porfolio piece.

I will probably want to talk to him some more about it before I decide whether to do so or not. But don't worry, if I do decide to use it as such I will be sure to let you all know.

We also had to deliever a post mortem for our Production II class. Which was a surprising experience. I felt, as many of my fellow producers had admitted as well, that I hadn't done much on the actual project. I believe now that we felt this way because we're all designers and used to helping build the game so when we started organizing things and filling out forms it didn't feel like we were doing as much. No offense to the producers out there in the world. I'm sure you do a lot it just feels different to us.

So during the post mortem we all sat down and talked about what worked and what didn't work. I tried to bring up my job as producer to let them throw me under the bus if they so desired. But I guess I did a good enough job because every time I brought up my producing they would skip over it and talk about something else.

In the end I believe everyone on the project received an A and some of us are talking about converting the game into Source or Unreal so that we can make it prettier and a better game experience. If I can get my two cents thrown in I'm pushing for Source as in my opinion it is a more easily accessible way for us to get our work out there. But who knows maybe I just don't know enough about Unreal Tournament 3 and we can get it out there just as easily.

PS. For clarity's sake I received A's in both of these classes.

On a more unenthusiastic note. I missed some paperwork and in the end did not transfer to the QA side of the UNFPA project. I am not on the project anymore and wish them the best of luck.

I know some of the other students didn't have the same problems I was having, but I felt I had to choose between classwork and the EMC. As a student of Champlain I couldn't really work at the EMC if I failed courses, at least that is how I understand the policy to work, so in my mind it was either one or neither. I chose one.

I have been told that the EMC is aquiring some new projects this summer that they hope to be starting soon, so hopefully I will be able to apply and work on those projects.